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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Making good 9/11 Memories

9/11 with a two year old makes it difficult to have all of the memorial programs on TV.  He is very observant and can tell when someone is in pain just by facial expression and tone.  That being said, I still wanted to do something to observe and possibly make new and happy memories of this day....so i broke out some red, white and blue paints.  I originally started with one sheet but he quickly reminded me that art isn't a "thing" it's the conceptualization, the act, the self-criticism, and the final decision that your finished.   Sure to most, art is something you hang on your wall, but to an artist it's what you do not what you get.  So back to the story, after 4 sheets of splatter, hand/finger prints, and brushwork he was done.  But I wasn't.

As I began to coneptualize my thoughts about the piece, I layed out the 4 sheets of his wonderful work and thought of how i was going to honor all those involved with the cowardly attack.  I thought about doing an abstract portrait of the buildings, maybe a I <3 NY poster, FDNY, NYPD....they all drove across my mind.  And then I realized what I had to do.  I needed to stay true to my original thought of making a positive image of strength and perseverance.  So after he added a little blue wax to one of the pages, I got my spray paint and headed outside.  He had to watch from inside, I had way too many fumes flying.

 After just a few minutes to dry it was onto phase 2, pen.  I posted up on the couch along with my coloring buddy and we went to town.  Thoughts of how it must of been going through what so many people did and are still going through today quickly changed to happy thoughts of a unwavering, still free America where my son and I can wake up and create un-oppressed art for the sake of creation.  My thought gradually drew away from tragedy and towards hope and happiness that my son will enjoy the same freedoms that I have and have the some happy memories of, to him, a regular Sunday morning.

And here's the final piece.  My concept: America will rise to any cause for the betterment of not just it's citizens but all mankind.  We have problems sure, but I'll take the ones we have over so many of the ones our brothers and sisters overseas experience as just their normal way of life.  The eagle is a strong and opportunistic and I was happy that I got the opportunity to share what I love with my son!

In memorium of all those effected by 9/11


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Orlando City are the Champions! PART 2

Like promised I have more "photos" from the game.  Like I said in my previous post (CLICK HERE FOR PREVIOUS POST AND PANORAMIC PHOTO) I was in the stands for this game rather than down on the field so I didn't bring a telephoto.
What a game it was.  Enjoy the photos and an extra bonus, a 720p video!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Lovely Nouns

When taking photos, I always look for the beauty in something.  Whether its an obvious flower or a busted up and forgotten shed in the middle of an open field, my shutter is always looking for the positives and not the negatives.

The world around us is so creative.  The colors and patterns are too many to number.  As humans, we've found our identity in clothing and make-up.  Imagine how similar we would look to one another if we ran around naked!

Sometimes it's the act that is more beautiful than the image.  On the left are state magnets (all fifty) that used to be on my grandmother's refrigerator.  Atticus has recently discovered them on our fridge and has been pulling them off an playing with them just as I did when I was little.  Coincidently, or maybe not, her orchids bloomed this week. They remind me of her whenever I look outside at them.

What's prettier than a margarita with organic Passion Vine friut preserves from Hawaii? (Thanks Laine!)

Food is almost always georgous, especially when it's homemade banana pancakes or pizza

Ok, so not so beautiful, but I liked this photo so deal with it!

 We began as "photographers" when this dude was born.  We bought a decent camera and it was all uphill from their.  Whenever we do sessions with clients it's for three reasons" 1) The love of photography, 2) The ability to make lasting images that our clients will treasure forever, and 3) To continue to upgrade our equipment so we can photograph our own family.  In the last two years we've filled a 500GB hardrive just with photos of our own family.

Leigh recently had the opportunity to photograph a Very Special person in her life...her Granny.  The two photos in the background are of her from earlier decades and although the red hair is gone, the smile and love are ever-present.

While Leigh took her Granny's photos she also snapped a few of her Mom.  I'd say Leigh has a lot to look forward to!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Orlando City are the Champions!

Wanted to post this tonight, I will have a few more tomorrow.  Usually im down on the field shooting on assignment but i got to enjoy this one from the stands!  GO CITY!