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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Slacking on the sharing.....

 We've been so busy recently with home and family events that we haven't shared some of our personal images in a while.  We like to share our personal images because we feel the day to day photos tell a truer story of our family and ongoings.

Atticus has recently taken to paint.  He loves to cover himself more than the paper however....solution, body stamping.  As an artist myself, there is nothing better than breaking out my $30-60 brushes and watching my son terrorize them!

I'll be "OK" if he grows up to be a DOCTOR, or a LAWYER, or an ASTRONAUT.....but I would most like him to be a ARTIST, a DANCER, or a MUSICIAN!!!

Leigh shot this one with our new toy lens, the Lensbaby!  I love the 3D feel of selective focus!

It's hard now to go to a wedding and not be expected to take awesome photos for a client, but when it's a family member, its great to just relax, eat, and enjoy the party!  Of course that doesn't mean leave you camera home!!  Knowing Shannon, we knew that her decorations were going to be bright and colorful and we were pleasantly surprised that her drinks were too!

Shannon and Blaine, your wedding/reception were great!  Good Music, Food, and Drinks...what more could anyone ask!  We know that your marriage will be wonderful.  Congrats!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

ThunderClap! on the Road

It's been two years since our last vacation...two long years!  We took nearly 1500 photos just to make sure we didn't miss a minute of this one!  Instead of showing you all of our boring family photos, I thought I'd share some of the sites instead!  ENJOY!  --markTHOR

I used to have multiple salt water fish tanks, and if i still did this guy would've come home with me, instead he was caught, photographed and released happily into the tide.

We took the time to head down to the beach every night to see the sunset.  Our son didn't mind as it set 30 mins past his bedtime.  Each sunset was different and wonderful in it's own way.  Being an east-coaster it was a real treat to see the sun sink deep into the ocean each night!

The flora was gorgeous on the island!  Leigh made this entire bouquet for a dinner centerpiece out of flowers grown within 25 yards of where we were staying.  And hey, they'll grow back!


Each scene was like a picture postcard, i can't believe this is just across the state!

For this sunset we took down our new favorite toy, a Lensbaby Composer Pro with a Sweet 35 optic that we got just days before the vacation.  The soft focus with a sharp "sweet spot" give a great illusion of depth and a dream-like quality!  Can't wait to use this lens in our next photo sessions!


Sea Grapes are everywhere, their big broad leaves give great shade, privacy and natural beauty to the dunes and houses

Our last night on the island was spent at a great restaurant on a marina on the eastern side of the island which meant that a sunset photo would be unfortunately impossible incredible.  The Yachts made a great foreground as their many protrusions broke up the lavender clouds above!

Family trip photos comming soon...

We haven't put many client photos up lately and that's because WE WERE ON VACATION!  Those photos are coming soon!